I've been under the spell of music since I was 10. The advantage of having 2 older brothers. As a child I grew up with 70's music. From Soul to funk. From the Rolling Stones to pop music. Especially the TV program "Toppop" with Ad Visser was the weekly highlight. And after collecting some pocket money, the visit to the music store to buy a single. Puberty soon followed in the eighties. And so was the love for The Cure and the Simple Minds. But also Madonna and Michael Jackson. And my first Iron Maiden LP.
At youth parties I started to gain my first experience as a DJ. Back then only with vinyl, 2 turntables and a mixing console. Mixing to the beat was almost impossible. Also not necessary. The tones of Solsbury Hill and a Forest were enough to fill the dance floor. Shortly afterwards there was the arrival of the CD. The launch of Brothers in Arms from the Dire Straits now without scratches… Other carriers gradually took over the function of vinyl. DJing and the love for music continued, but the records gradually moved to the attic.
A few years ago I bought a turntable again. Technics SL1210, the same type I started as a DJ. And that's how my vinyl records got dusty. I got a taste for vinyl again.

My son Arthur is also full of love for music. From DJing at parties to making mixes. Although he didn't grow up with vinyl, he is a big fan of it. Our entrepreneurship is now also emerging from our passion. And so the creation of Dear Vinyl..
We are happy to share our selection of records with passionate vinyl enthusiasts through our webshop. The offer mainly consists of music that we like to hear ourselves, that has a story behind it or of which the cover is really worthwhile. Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, The cure, The Dire Straits and The Simple Minds are indispensable on this site.